Minutes 1st November, 2000



Mrs P Carrick


Mr M G Flint


Mrs J M Martin


Bisley Ward

Mr J P L Perkins


Mr N S Rogers


Mr T G Carter


Mr R K Brooks


Eastcombe Ward

Mrs J W Russell


Mrs O M Turner


Mr A C Newman


Mr R N Budgeon


Oakridge Ward

Mr R S Bryant


Mrs E F Jordan


Mr D J Taylor

In attendance:  District Cllr L C Greene, County Cllr Mr C Fellows


Two members of the public were present



Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence



Public Participation

Nothing was raised under this heading



School Governors’ Report

Blue Coats School:

Mrs Barbara Brown spoke of the achievements of the school and told the meeting that there were now 70 pupils. The school was giving music lessons but there was a problem with after school activities in that the law now required a teaching member of staff to be present

Eastcombe Primary School:

The Chairman read extracts from a report which had been received from Miss Gaston. There are currently 79 children in the school which is involved in the Comenius project involving it in partnership agreements with schools in mainland Europe. The school is working well with no problems.

Oakridge School:

In her report, the Chairman said that the school was running efficiently and there had been a number of visits this year. There had been an overnight stay to visit the Dome in London. The school had won first prize in a competition to assemble a wind instrument. The pupils were to decorate the local bus shelter with a mosaic.



Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 4 October, having been circulated to all members were approved and the Chairman signed the Minute Book.


Matters Arising

a)Windyridge Development
District Councillor Greene stated that this had now been agreed by Stroud District Council and the Parish Council’s Appraisal and support on the planning application had been crucial to its success. Bob Brooks stated that the outcome was due to District Councillor Greene’s active support.

She felt it important that the Parish Council should carry out a Parish Appraisal every three years and believed that the next one will be due in the year 2002 but would make enquiries.

b)Auditors Report
The former Clerk, David Taylor gave a report on this and stated that he had replied to points the Auditors had raised.
c)Parish Web Site
Bob Brooks told the meeting that the site was now up and running. The minutes of meetings are now posted so that all those interested may read them.

It was suggested that local businesses, pubs, restaurants, etc may wish to place a small entry on the site and perhaps a small initial charge may be made to assist with the costs.

d)Bisley War Memorial

This has now been completed satisfactorily.

e)Eastcombe CompostingShredding is still available to those groups who request it. This is to avoid the problem of people dumping their garden waste on the allotments.
6.District Council Matters
District Councillor Greene said that she had nothing further for discussion.
7.County Council Matters
County Councillor Fellows asked if the plans had been received in regard to the footpath at Middle Hill between Eastcombe and Chalford. This had been received. He stated that there would be no lighting.

With regard to the proposed work on Toadsmoor Road, he stated that a route had been found to remove the surface water. A landowner is willing to let it cut through his land and the Environmental Agency is happy with the monitoring process. There will be nothing detrimental to the wild life and work should commence in this financial year.



Receipts :
Stroud District Council – Precept (2nd Half)8,300.00
Lloyds Bank Interest10.29
Cash Balances as at 30 October£13,736.35
Payments :
Compulink Information exchange Ltd227.4439.80267.24
Charity of the Ancient Parish of Bisley
(Rent of Chestergate Allotments)
Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education
(Clerk’s Course)
Wiltshire Direct Services1409.65246.691656.34
British Telecommunications plc
(connection of Clerk’s line)
E F Jordan (Clerk’s Petty Cash)100.00
Salary Cheque – D J Taylor515.45
Inland Revenue144.54
Total Payments1743.41305.09£ 2948.49
Anticipated payments to 1 December
Poppy Wreaths£30.00
Grass Cutting – Bisley Cemetery (£233.33)
and Bisley Churchyard (£300)


Credit Balance as at 30 October 2000    £1841.26   (75p. interest received during month of October)
It has been suggested that this money be invested in an account attracting more interest but with access of a maximum of 6 months. The Clerk is to make enquiries.



Matters for Discussion



Bisley Pavilion

Vandalism is still a problem and the pavilion is not in very good repair and requires extensive cleaning. Enquiries have been made locally to employ a cleaner and discussions are taking place with the cricket club who would be responsible for the wages of the cleaner.



Stancombe Triangle

Discussions are still taking place with the Highways Department. There had been suggestions that one of the ‘arms’ was removed but this would not be practical and not in favour with the residents. It could also possibly increase the speed that this corner was taken at.

The triangle is often used as a turning circle by lorries and it was suggested that perhaps it would be a good idea to ask to the Highways Department to replace the topsoil making it into more of a mound thus dissuading lorry drivers from using it. A wall owned by a local farmer has also been damaged at this point. It may be an idea to suggest that a footpath be incorporated into the plans.

Councillor Fellows felt that if the triangle were retained, the lorries would continue to use it as a turning point.

Bisley Ward will draft a letter to the Council on this.



Kerbs in Bisley

When a date has been decided, the Clerk will arrange a meeting with the Highways Department to discuss this matter1



Speed Limit in Bisley

There has been positive reaction to the report on speed through the village and a 20 mph speed limit will be imposed. A meeting is to be arranged with the Highways Department to decide the extent of the limit.



Cotswold Trials

A copy letter had been received from the residents of Througham objecting to these trials. It was felt that these trials did, in fact, keep open rights of way in the countryside. The County Council have written to the residents explaining the legality of the roads being used and the organisers of the event have now visited the area with the residents.

The Clerk is to send a letter from the Parish Council to the residents, acknowledging receipt of the copy letter.1



Department of Environment – Transport Green Paper

There had not been time for all those attending to study the above paper. It was decided to wait for the White Paper, which should be issued within a month and should be read in conjunction with this, before extensive discussions took place.



GAPTC – Spreading the Word

An invitation had been received to a meeting to take place in Painswick. The Chairman is to attend.



Thrupp – CCTV feed-back

The Clerk was asked to make enquiries with GAPTC as to whether they had any influence in this matter. Thrupp Council had received a letter from Stroud District Council saying that those parish councils who do not contribute to the cost of CC TV may not be able to take advantage of it, District Councillor Greene will make enquiries




Forms were handed out for completion and return to the Clerk for forwarding to Stroud District Council.



Poppy Day

Agreement was made for wreaths to be laid on the War Memorials in Bisley, Eastcombe and Oakridge



Correspondence – October 2000

During the month, the following correspondence was received which had not been circulated to members but was available on the table at the meeting:



N Holliday & K Hughes



SDC Volunteer Bureau

Wiltshire Direct Services





St Augustine’s Parish Church

Beacon Millennium Ltd


The Countryside Agency

David Drew MP

Gloucestershire CC Environment

Action Plan – Crime and Disorder

Housing Partnerships

Well Head

Draft Local Plan

District Community Safety Panel Meeting

Invitation to Meeting

October Newsletter

Decision re Corporate Services

News Extra

Request for support

Energy Info for Parish & Town Councils

White Lines & Notice Board

Lighting of Beacon

Letter re Parish Skip at Oakridge


Meeting – Hardwicke Village Hall

Letter re Middle Hill footpath, Eastcombe







The Wards were given a list of previous years’ spending.




It was agreed that an allowance should be included in the precept for training of both the Clerk and the Councillors.



Ward Matters





White Lines:

These had still not been done despite many requests. Councillor Fellows suggested that an official letter of complaint be written to the person responsible. The Clerk will do this.



The Steps:

Approval is to be sought for the money from the Lock-up fund to be spent on the Steps in Bisley.


There has been a planning application for a Communications Tower in Limekiln Lane, Lypiatt. This is strongly opposed by the Planning Committee and a letter of protest is to be sent.1





It was requested that the Highways Department be aware of various roads that are potholed and also, for the ‘edging’ at the Old Post Office, Oakridge Lynch2.


It was requested that a letter be sent to the Oakridge Society informing them that the Parish Council have no serious objection to the proposal to clean the drain at the water troughs forming part of the War Memorial. However, no alteration to the troughs should be made by drilling etc.





Damage has been done by large lorries in one of the lanes in Eastcombe. This was reported to the Highways Department and they were going to look into it. The Clerk will ascertain an up-to-date position.


St Augustine’s Church have requested a community notice board for the Village. This could be placed on the recreation ground and local organisations could display notices re charities, events, fund raising etc. Other villages have similar boards that are well used. The cost would be approximately £150 and will be part of the precept.

They also requested a white line by the Church Gate – this is in hand.



Date and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting is to be held at Oakridge Village Hall on Wednesday, 6 December at 7.30 p.m.

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.15 p m.