Minutes 10th January, 2001


Mrs P CarrickChairman
Mr M G Flint}
Mrs J M Martin}Bisley Ward
Mr J P L Perkins}
Mr N S Rogers}
Mr T G Carter}
Mr R K Brooks}Eastcombe Ward
Mrs J W Russell}
Mrs O M Turner}
Mr A C Newman}Oakridge Ward
Mr R S Bryant}
Mrs E F JordanClerk


In attendance:             District Cllr L C Greene



Apologies for Absence


County Cllr C Fellows (previous appointment) and Parish Cllr R Budgeon (illness)


Public Participation


There was nothing under this heading


Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 December


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 December 2000 had been circulated to all members. Mr Newman asked whether the figure for the precept agreed at that meeting had been altered after Oakridge Ward’s subsequent discussion and was told that the figure in the minutes remained as had been resolved at the meeting. The minutes were then approved and the Chairman signed the Minute Book.


Matters Arising



Eastcombe Accident


The wall has now been repaired satisfactorily.



County Highways letters


Kerbing in Oakridge: The Clerk was asked to reply to the Divisional Surveyor’s letter of 20 December, stating that the Parish Council wished to be consulted on all planning applications for kerbing in the Parish prior to the work being carried out.


White Lines: The Clerk was asked to reply to the Senior Divisional Technician’s letter insisting, once again, that the white lining in Bisley is completed as a matter of urgency.


The Divisional Surveyor’s Office had also suggested that centre line marking at Nelson Hill corner was not appropriate due to the width of the road.   The Clerk was asked to write and ask that this be looked at again as it was a very fast corner.



Yearly repair of roads


The Wards are to let the Clerk have a list of roads that need repairing which can then be forwarded to the Divisional Surveyor’s Office.



Winter Plans


It was suggested that the County Highways’ arrangements for road gritting and snow clearance over the Christmas holidays was totally inadequate and grit bins had not been filled, in many areas, before the bad weather.   The Clerk was asked to write a strong letter of complaint and the Chairman will contact County Cllr Fellows in this respect.



Stancombe Triangle


Plans are progressing satisfactorily. The question of cones to offer some sort of protection had been suggested to the Traffic Manager but it was considered that this was impractical.


New Options for County Council


No action was to be taken on this.


Message in a Bottle


Bisley: Matters are progressing satisfactorily.

Eastcombe: Hope to be organised by February

Oakridge: Will deal with at next Ward Meeting


District Council Matters


District Cllr Greene told the meeting that there had been some flooding in Bisley recently but sandbags had not been available. Stroud District Council’s Engineer will be providing sandbags in the future for minor drainage problems.



County Council Matters


Nothing was raised under this heading. County Cllr Fellows is to be contacted to request that he attends the next meeting.





Receipts :


Lloyds Bank Interest12.77
Rent from Eastcombe Allotments97.50



Cash Balances as at 31 December 2000£6124.08






The Audit Commission (1998 & 1999)443.2077.57520.77
N Power – Bisley Pavilion19.92.9920.91
Severn Trent Water – Oakridge Village Hall47.4847.48
Severn Trent Water – Oakridge Allotments7.057.05
Severn Trent Water – Bisley Allotments19.4219.42
Severn Trent Water – Eastcombe Allotments13.1013.10
E F Jordan (Clerk’s Petty Cash)50.00
Salary Cheque – Clerk (December)405.95
Inland Revenue/National Insurance21.43
Eastcombe Baptist Church (2 meetings)30.0030.00
Total Payments78.56£1136.11




Credit Balance as at 31 December 2000                         £1841.26


The Clerk had made enquiries regarding the Lock-up Account in order to achieve a better rate of interest which is presently .4% net monthly.   It was agreed to transfer the account to a Lloyds Bank Premier 14 Days Notice Account with interest of 2% net monthly.






Matters for Discussion



20 mph Speed Limit in Bisley

An acceptable plan has now been received and a letter will be forwarded to the Traffic Manager.



Stancombe Village Sign

Bisley Ward is in favour of village signs for Stancombe. A site meeting is to be arranged and a resident of the village will be asked to attend.




The Chairman asked for agreement to have trees removed that were growing round the Cherry Piece and on verges at Waterlane as the County Council will not undertake this work but have approved it. Agreement was given.




The Parish Council are not interested in purchasing this.




Each Ward will arrange for a notice to be put in their newsletters informing of the forthcoming Census.



Children’s Playground Annual Inspection – April 2001

A notice has been received from RoSPA that the playground equipment will be inspected in April.




The Chairman of the Planning Sub-Committee for Bisley gave a report on the progress of the development. It is hoped to hold a Public Meeting in the W I Hall towards the end of January.



Rural Access Study

A volunteer was asked for to take part in this steering group. The Chairman asked for consideration to be given to this by the next meeting and stated that she would be willing to take part if no other member of the Council felt they were able.



NALC Publication

The Clerk was authorised to order the Local Council Review at an annual subscription of £9.99.





Items not on the Agenda but requiring immediate discussion:


Interruption to Electricity Supplies:


The Clerk was asked to put notices on Eastcombe, Stonecote Ridge and Bisley Notice Boards giving details of how to claim compensation for loss of power, if it was over 18 hours, for the period 12/13 December.


Modernising Local Government


The County Council wished to forward their Programme of Best value Reviews by CD ROM instead of a hard copy. The Clerk was asked to reply stating that the Parish Council was agreeable.


The Clerk was asked to write to the County Council’s Head of Secretariat asking for more time to consider the Council’s Programme of Best Value Reviews 2001/2.




The following planning applications had been received and considered during the month of December:



Badgers Brook, Bismore – Erection of 2 garages and repositioning of retaining wall – it was considered by the Planning Sub-Committee that this would have too much impact on the environment.


Land adjacent to Cotswold View, Bisley Road – Outline application for 1 dwelling – it was considered to be detrimental to the existing development and set a precedent for further development.



Limbricks Farm, Waterlane – diversion of footpath – no objection


Vale Cottage, Oakridge Lynch – erection of extension – no objection


It was suggested that a new policy be adopted for reporting on planning applications and Mr Brooks is to prepare a paper of his thoughts on the subject for the next meeting.





During the month, the following correspondence was received which has not been circulated to council members but was available on the table at the meeting.

It was decided not to give donations to either The Wild Life Trust or the Gloucestershire Crime Reduction Programme




DETROur Countryside: the future


English HeritagePower of Place


Gloucestershire ConstabularyDrug Plan 2000 and beyond


CrimestoppersAutumn/Winter 2000 handout


SDC Development & LeisureRe: Stroud District Local Plan


SDC Housing & Environmental ServicesEnergywise


Stroud & District Volunteer BureauAnnual Review 1999/2000


Gloucestershire Rural Community CouncilJumpstart – Evaluation and Future Development


The Church of EnglandTable of Parochial Fees


The Countryside AgencyRural Gloucestershire – The Future – A Fair Deal – Conference Invitation


Gloucestershire Rural Community CouncilRural Voice



The Wild Life TrustsRequest for Donation


NALCLocal Council Review


Office for National StatisticsPart-time Enumerator Vacancies


RoSPAChildren’s Playgrounds Annual Inspection 2001


Police & Community Consultative MeetingsInvitation & Agenda for Meeting in Stroud, Wednesday, 17th January 2001


Gloucestershire Crime Reduction ProgrammeJunior Citizenship 2001 – request for donation.



Ward Matters



As the High Street is in an acceptable state, the Clerk was asked to contact the Highways Department to request that Severn Trent carry out urgent repairs after their recent work.




The cleanliness of the roads and footpaths are unacceptable. The Clerk is to contact the appropriate department.


There are other road repairs still outstanding and the Clerk is to contact the Highways Department.



Various roads in the area need sweeping – the Clerk is to contact the Highways Department.

Date and Place of Next Meeting


The next meeting is to be held at the Bisley Women’s Institute Hall at 7.30 on Wednesday, 7 February 2001



There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.